Backup large database to multiple files

  • Hi everyone,

    I manage 100+ SQL servers and some of them contain over 120 – 800 GB + databases. I googled for backup script that backs up database depending on the size and strips the .bak file to multiple files. So far no luck. The closest one I got to is this script. Is there a way I can backup smaller databases in one .bak file and 60 + GB databases to multiple .bak (stripped) files dynamically in the same backup script? This way I can standardize it across all the servers. Thanks in advance or your help.

    Hi everyone,

    I manage 100+ SQL servers and some of them contain over 120 – 500 GB + databases. I googled for backup script that backs up database depending on the size and strips the .bak file to multiple files. So far no luck. The closest one I got to is this script. Is there a way I can backup smaller databases in one .bak file and 60 + GB databases to multiple .bak (stripped) files? Thanks in advance or your help.

    DECLARE @Baksql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @BackupFolder VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @BackupFile VARCHAR(100)


    DEclare @BackupDate varchar(100)

    DEclare @Size varchar(100)

    -- Setting value of backup date and folder of the backup

    SET @BackupDate = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),120),'-',''),':',''),' ','_') -- 20110517_182551

    SET @BackupFolder = 'C:\temp\'

    SET @Baksql = ''

    -- Declaring cursor



    WHERE state_desc = 'ONLINE' -- Consider databases which are online

    AND database_id > 4 -- Exluding system databases

    -- Opening and fetching next values from sursor

    OPEN c_bakup

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_bakup INTO @BackupFile



    SET @BAK_PATH = @BackupFolder + @BackupFile

    -- Creating dynamic script for every databases backup

    SET @Baksql = 'BACKUP DATABASE ['+@BackupFile+'] TO DISK = '''+@BAK_PATH+'_FullBackup_'+@BackupDate+'.bak'' WITH INIT;'

    -- Executing dynamic query

    PRINT (@Baksql)


    -- Opening and fetching next values from sursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_bakup INTO @BackupFile


    -- Closing and Deallocating cursor

    CLOSE c_bakup

    DEALLOCATE c_bakup

  • Please don't double post.

    I inlcuded a better script for handling this

    in your original post that does not include any cursors or loops.

    P.S. if you search online for a way to do something in SQL and you find a solution that inlcudes a cursor or loop - I'd suggest that you keep searching...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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