• I have used script table as, hope this is okay.

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable





    CREATE TABLE mytable(

    [workflowId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [created] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [logType] [smallint] NOT NULL,

    [activityName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [agentType] [int] NULL,

    [agentSource] [sql_variant] NULL,

    [agentKey] [sql_variant] NULL,

    [agentName] [nvarchar](70) NULL,

    [outcome] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [details] [nvarchar](max) NULL


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable


    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','310','SalesDirector',2,AgentServic,'Steve','NULL','Sales Director - Please Approve Proposal' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','316','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','Checked','Performed By System Administrator Account' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','310','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','NULL','Pre-Sales - Check Technical Details' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','316','TechReject',2,AgentServic,'Fred','Re Submit','Performed By System Administrator Account' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','310','TechReject',2,AgentServic,'Fred','NULL','Originator - Technical Rejection' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','316','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','Reject','Performed By System Administrator Account' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B316','Mar 14 2013 11:46AM','310','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','NULL','Pre-Sales - Check Technical Details' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B317','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','310','SalesDirector',2,AgentServic,'Steve','NULL','Sales Director - Please Approve Proposal' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B317','Mar 15 2013 12:45PM','316','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','Checked','Performed By System Administrator Account' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B317','Mar 13 2013 12:45PM','310','Technical',2,AgentServic,'John','NULL','Pre-Sales - Check Technical Details'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    Okay hopefully that has got things in a little more workable format

    Little Explanation then.

    Take B316 as an example going from earliest date, task is started and a line created by sending to John, John then rejects - this adds a new line and sends it to Fred, Fred Resubmits - this adds a new line and sends to John, John marks it as checked - this creates a new line and sends it to Steve and creates another line for Steve's task. In my "live" example, the Re-Submit task is not differentiated from the original task so would not say re-submit, it would just be null.

    The result I want is

    WorkflowID |DateStarted|PreSalesAgent|PreSalesDate|PreSalesOutcome|RejectAgent|ResubmitDate|ResubmitAgent|ResubmitOutcome|SalesDirector|SDOutcome|SDDate

    B316 | 4-03-2013 | John | 15-03-2013 | Reject | Fred | 15-03-2013 | John | Checked | Steve | Null| Null

    B317 | 3-03-2013 | John | 15-03-2013 | Checked | Null | Null | Null | Null | Steve | Null| Null

    Hope that is now a bit clearer