• Evil Kraig F (3/8/2013)

    ...the DBAs know their name and groan because of the lack of effort...

    Funny, this is what prompted the discussion.

    Sean Lange (3/8/2013)

    I would say that "it depends". I do think to that to some extent you can tell a lot about a person by their code. I don't however think you can tell about their work ethic.

    Maybe work ethic was the wrong word choice.

    The discussion I was involved in didn't key on messy, poorly performing code but rather on routinely taking shortcuts and not following best practices. Things like data types not matching underlying tables, using "SELECT * INTO #TblName", and omitting even the simplest of comments in multi-step processes (pet peeve). Repeat offenders raise a red flag as lazy coders to me.

    - Nate
