• brian.geregach (3/7/2013)

    The columns that I think should go into their own table are:

    Priority - a number from 1 - 4

    Assignee - User or group ticket is assigned to

    Category - 1st level category assignment

    Priority will probably never change as we only use the 4 levels.

    Assignee will only change when we add new people to work on these tickets

    Category is really our vendors name and will only change when we get new vendors.


    It sounds like there will be a one-to-one relationship between these columns and the ones that would be left in what would become the parent table, i.e. both tables will have the same number of rows, in which case I would recommend leaving it as a single table. With the few number of columns you have and no implied normalization of the data by moving columns to a child table, I see no reason to complicate your data model by introducing a child table.

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