• It's interesting to see there are a couple common themes.

    1. Pushed/Fell into DBA work ("it's broke.... NOT IT!!!")

    2. Transitioned into it ("Programming lead me to be a DBA")

    One I haven't heard yet is "Its what I've always wanted to do". My story goes like this.

    Back in the year 2000 during my first year of college, I was impressed by Excel in Intro to Personal Computers. For my second year I took Introduction to Databases Using Oracle which peaked my interest. I had fun writing scripts and returning data sets and printing results. I really took to it and knew this was something I would like to do. After that semester I had a couple non-IT jobs but all the while had database work in the back of my mind. In 2006 I had the opportunity to get my foot in the door with a small development shop and told them my goal was to work with databases. They used SQL Server in 90% of their development and I stuck with it ever since.

    So why SQL Server? Because it was my destiny!

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