• paul.knibbs (3/4/2013)

    Sigerson (3/4/2013)On the other hand I don't want anybody else to know this. It's like the One Ring of Power, it's already making me think of all the malicious acts I could do with this power.

    Use longer passwords and it ceases to be an issue. Yes, he was able to find a 5-character password in 2 seconds using a brute force search with a powerful GPU, but the complexity of such a search increases massively with the number of characters--a guesstimate would suggest that if it takes 2 seconds to find a 5-character password, it will take approximately 23 days to find an 8-character password using the same mechanism! (This is assuming perhaps 100 possible characters used in the password, which would give the 8-character one a million times more possibilities than the 5-character one).

    If you had a 20-character password, well, it would probably take longer than the remaining life of the Universe to crack it!


    The government auditors don't care who you are or what level of access you have in your brain. If the files are PHYSICALLY on the government work laptop then it is vulnerable to attack and you are ultimately liable. Particularly, if this software can be used to crack SQL logins that have access to HIPPA Health related data.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"