Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working RE: Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working

  • levity.....I tried.:laugh: He's given me a hard time before

    Thank you Jeff!!!

    I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why Ken wanted to create six copies of the same hierarchy with all people at all levels reporting to the same supervisor.

    I thought it was to help the reader understand multiple layers of chartdepth. After a few iterations you exhaust all the chartdepths possible and can run a query to extract all boss->subordinate relationships. Groucho is the head boss, but there are a few minor bosses as well. It's not perfectly linear. I thought that was a good approach, before launching into the While loop....to demonstrate what the while loop does. That part was actually good for me.

    --Quote me