Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working RE: Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working

  • Reiterating problem. This works:

    --DDL for creating and populating staff table

    create table staff(employee int primary key, employee_name varchar(10),

    supervisor int null references staff (employee))

    insert staff


    (1, 'groucho', 1),

    (2, 'chico', 1),

    (3, 'harpo', 2),

    (4, 'zeppo', 2),

    (5, 'moe', 1),

    (6, 'larry', 5),

    (7, 'curly', 5),

    (8, 'shemp', 5),

    (9, 'joe', 8),

    (10, 'curly joe', 9);

    --query #1

    --establishes first 10 rows of table, with first level of chart depth

    select chartdepth=1, employee=o2.employee, supervisor=o1.employee

    into #org_chart

    from staff o1 inner join staff o2 on (o1.employee=o1.supervisor)


    --following the execution of query #1 run the below query about 4-5 times (f5 x 5), #org_chart will be populated with about 5 levels of chart depth

    insert into #org_chart

    select distinct o1.chartdepth+1, o2.employee, o1.supervisor

    from #org_chart o1 join #org_chart o2 on (o1.employee=o2.supervisor)

    where o1.chartdepth=(select max(chartdepth) from #org_chart)

    ---verify population of #org_chart with this query

    Select * from #org_chart;

    ---query #3 returns boss -> subordinate relationships

    select s.employee_name, supervises='supervises', e.employee_name

    from #org_chart o join staff s on (o.supervisor=s.employee)

    inner join staff e on (o.employee=e.employee)

    where o.supervisor<>o.employee

    HOWEVER, if you want to spare yourself hitting f5 five times, you are supposed to be able to run this query instead:

    while (@@rowcount > 0)


    insert #org_chart (chartdepth, employee, supervisor)

    select distinct o1.chartdepth+1, o2.employee, o1.supervisor

    from #org_chart o1 join #org_chart o2 on (o1.employee=o2.supervisor)

    where o1.chartdepth=(select max(chartdepth) from #org_chart)

    and o1.supervisor<>o1.employee


    But this while query doesn't work. What corrections need to be made to while query to do the job?

    --Quote me