• This should cover the Updates and Deletes. I don't understand how the insert logic is supposed to work.

    declare @SQL varchar(max) = ''

    --First is the updates

    select @SQL = stuff ((


    'Update dbo.' +


    when 'ED ERROR' then 'Education'

    when 'O14 ERROR' then 'FOURTEEN_ALL'

    when 'HL ERROR' then 'HH_LISTING'

    when 'HL ERROR' then 'HH_ALL'


    + ' set ' + Columns_To_Fix + ' = ''' + Corrected_Value

    + ''' where zBarcode = ' + cast(zBarcode as varchar(20))

    + ' and PERSON_NUMBER = ' + cast(Person_No as varchar(20)) + ';' as MyVal

    from test

    where Command = 'UPDATE'

    for XML PATH(''), type

    ).value('.','varchar(max)'), 1, 0, '')

    --Now we append the deletes

    select @SQL = @SQL + stuff ((


    'DELETE dbo.' +


    when 'ED ERROR' then 'Education'

    when 'O14 ERROR' then 'FOURTEEN_ALL'

    when 'HL ERROR' then 'HH_LISTING'

    when 'HL ERROR' then 'HH_ALL'


    + ' where zBarcode = ' + cast(zBarcode as varchar(20))

    + ' and PERSON_NUMBER = ' + cast(Person_No as varchar(20)) + ';' as MyVal

    from test

    where Command = 'UPDATE'

    for XML PATH(''), type

    ).value('.','varchar(max)'), 1, 0, '')

    select @SQL

    --exec sp_execute @SQL


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