• I have joked many a times with people in "competing" technologies (once, whilst a C++ developer, I was hauled up for "bullying" a VB programmer - it was the VB programmer who was even more confused that I as he certainly gave as good as he got and had a great sense of humour - managers realised it was a non-issue as soon as this guy was asked about it).

    I find it helpful if everyone takes it for what it is as it:

    a) allows for the progression into a serious discussion of differences/flaws/advantages

    b) keeps in the open discussions about concerns of the poorly understood "other" technology

    c) enables knowledge transfer on a continual, informal basis

    d) bonds team members using alternative/different technologies (better than paintballing)

    e) allows people to let off steam on a day to day basis

    Most of us want to get the job done and we often know how to do it in our "own" technology. Sometimes we live in a wider technological world and have to work with people using "other" technologies with which we need to be interoperable with or a switchable alternative to. Whatever the reasons, most people I have met do not look at other technologies in either disdain or awe. They are just different. More so than the people, usually.

    Except for VB programmers, of course 😉


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!