• Paul White (2/23/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (2/22/2013)

    As to ordering by a uniqueidentifier, it sorts in ascending or descending order as if it is converted to a CHAR(36) value, or at least that is my experience with them.

    They're not strings and don't sort as strings:

    DECLARE @T AS TABLE (uuid uniqueidentifier);




    ({ guid'459F82E6-4C50-4777-8347-D313526EB4BA'}),

    ({ guid'E99F760A-80EC-40A7-B7E9-88F58006AA13'});

    SELECT uuid FROM @T AS t ORDER BY t.uuid;


    More details here:


    I did qualify that it was in my experience. Could be they are being converted to strings before being sorted. I'll have to look at the app again when I get to work. We unfortunately use a lot of guids.

    Always willing to learn, thank you.