• Paulo A. Nascimento (2/22/2013)

    No doubt, the BASIC interpreter that came with my first 8-bit home computer, the Atari 800 XL.

    Atari 800XL - w00t! This was the first computer that my family owned. I had gotten hooked on computers with the Apple II series, but there was no way I could have convinced my folks to shell out the big bucks for one of those. I was so excited when they brought home the 800XL with a data cassette drive and a flywheel printer that I was happy to overlook the goofiness of "TV\Computer" switch that connected it to the 12-inch black-and-white TV that served as a monitor.

    It's interesting to remember how quickly the wait for programs to load and save from cassette tape began to annoy me, though!

    Jason Wolfkill