• I have completed the profiling and now have all the data in table 🙂

    I am using following query to extract results. I have observed that for statements data is saying sql took 593 Sec and 8000 reads. But if I may use that query from TextData and execute, it gives me results in less than second and reads are fewer. Total execution as per query is 1 . What could be the reason or I am interpreting data wrongly ?

    SELECT TOP 5 COUNT(*) AS TotalExecutions,

    EventClass, CAST(TextData as nvarchar(4000)) AS query

    ,SUM(Duration)/1000 AS DurationTotal_Sec

    ,SUM(CPU) AS CPUTotal_Sec

    ,SUM(Reads) AS ReadsTotal

    ,SUM(Writes) AS WritesTotal

    FROM [Halsoos].[dbo].[tmpTable]

    WHERE eventclass IN (41)

    GROUP BY EventClass, CAST(TextData as nvarchar(4000))

    ORDER BY DurationTotal_sec DESC

    --Order by ReadsTotal desc

    --ORDER BY WritesTotal DESC

    --ORDER BY CPUTotal_Sec DESC