• I've made two refinements the first is the addition of a dynamic interval slicer, and the second was to remove the modulous calculation and replace it with a ROW_NUMBER() based on the number of intervals per day.

    Declare @StartDate Datetime = '01-Feb-2013 00:00:00.000'

    Declare @endDate Datetime = '03-Feb-2013 00:00:00.000'

    Declare @interval tinyint =60 --Interval in minutes.


    Create an Inline Tally Table


    ;with CTE




    Row_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY object_id) Rn

    from sys.all_columns



    Generate my intervals (can be changed!!)


    ,Cte_Interval AS



    DateAdd(minute,(rn-1)*@interval,@StartDate) StartTime

    , DateAdd(minute,(rn)*@interval,@StartDate) EndTime

    ,convert(varchar(5),Convert(Time(0),DateAdd(minute,(rn-1)*@interval,@StartDate)))+'-'+convert(varchar(5),Convert(Time(0),DateAdd(minute,(rn)*@interval,@StartDate))) timepart

    ,convert(varchar(10),convert(date,DateAdd(minute,(rn-1)*@interval,@StartDate))) datep

    from CTE

    Where DateAdd(minute,(rn)*@interval,@StartDate)<=@EndDate



    Build the data set to group into time slice


    Select datep


    ,Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY datep order by timepart) Modulous

    ,count(histId) TotalCalls

    into #prepivot

    from Cte_Interval inter

    LEFT JOIN #Hist hist on hist.CallDateTime >=inter.StartTime

    and hist.CallDateTime<inter.EndTime

    group by timepart,datep

    order by datep,timepart

    Anyway time to sign off for the day, if anyone can suggest improvements then please post them.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices