• Hi,

    In my current job the Cozyroc componets are used and I can recommend them. It´s a supported way to write data into the CRM entities. However, to make a backup you don't need to write data, instead you just need to read data.

    To solve your issues:

    1. How do I obtain a list of all entities -- Use the data dictionary (i.e. InformationSchema System Views)

    2. How do I obtain a list of all fields within each entity -- Use the data dictionary (i.e. InformationSchema System Views)

    3. How can I download - lets say 500 records at a time. -- Use the Cozyroc library, make your own component extension. The problem hier is how to make a kind of batch/bulk request to the web service. The Cozyroc "Dynamic CRM Source" has an option called "BatchSize" (Specify the number of rows to be retrieved as a batch. The maximum is 500.) Here is the link to the documentation. I think you could try it for free.

    If not you could always extend a component, but you have to put in a balance the development cost and time in order to accomplish such a task.

    Kind Regards.

    Paul Hernández