• Ian C0ckcroft (2/18/2013)

    Hi guys, I am trying to calculate the diffs between to days as a decimal. The hours will an easier wayybe in decimal.

    i can do it in varchar, but i need to be able to agrigate my value.


    datediff(DD, [CreatedOn],getdate()) + CAST(DATEPART(HH, GETDATE())- DATEPART(HH, [CreatedOn]) AS REAL)/10

    this gives me the results i need.

    is there an easier way?

    Why are you dividing the difference in hours by 10? I'm guessing that's supposed to be 24 with a conversation to a float or decimal type.

    Either way I think this is what you are looking for

    Declare @create_date datetime = '1/1/2013', @execution_date DATETIME = GETDATE();

    SELECT CAST(@execution_date - @create_date AS REAL)