• Perhaps a bit late but a different solution in one statement 🙂

    To set the data up based on the solution of http://www.sqlmag.com/article/tsql3/calculating-concurrent-sessions-part-3-103407:

    USE tempdb;

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Sessions', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Sessions;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Sessions


    keycol INT NOT NULL,

    app VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    usr VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    host VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    starttime DATETIME NOT NULL,

    endtime DATETIME NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_Sessions PRIMARY KEY(keycol),

    CHECK(endtime > starttime)



    CREATE INDEX idx_nc_app_st ON dbo.Sessions(app, starttime) ;

    CREATE INDEX idx_nc_app_et ON dbo.Sessions(app, endtime);


    --- Populate the table

    declare @i int = 1

    declare @DT_Rnd datetime

    while @i < 1000


    Set @i = @i + 1

    set @DT_Rnd = dateadd( mi , RAND()* 1440 , cast('20090212' as datetime) )

    INSERT tempdb.dbo.Sessions(keycol, app, usr, host, starttime, endtime)

    VALUES( @i

    , 'app' + right( '00' + CAST ( 1 + cast( RAND()* 15 as int) as varchar(2)) , 2)

    , 'user' + right('000' + CAST ( 1 + cast( RAND()* 150 as int) as varchar(2)) , 3)

    , 'host' + right('000' + CAST ( 1 + cast( RAND()* 240 as int) as varchar(2)) , 3)

    , @DT_Rnd

    , dateadd( mi , 5 + (RAND()* 50) , @DT_Rnd )


    And for the single statement solution:

    Select APP

    , [No of Concurrent users]

    , [Point in Time]

    from (

    Select Toe.app

    , Toe.[Point in Time]

    , [No of Concurrent users] = COUNT(distinct keycol)

    , RID = row_number() over ( partition by toe.App order by COUNT(distinct keycol) desc )

    from ( -- Time of Events

    select app , [Point in Time] = starttime from tempdb.dbo.Sessions

    union Select app , [Point in Time] = endtime from tempdb.dbo.Sessions

    ) as TOE

    inner join tempdb.dbo.Sessions as S1

    on s1.App = Toe.app

    and Toe.[Point in Time] >= s1.starttime

    and Toe.[Point in Time] < s1.Endtime

    group by Toe.app , Toe.[Point in Time]

    ) as c

    where RID = 1

    order by App , RID

    Polite comments are welcome