• Miles Neale (2/14/2013)By the time you add up all the federal, state, and local taxes, then add in the fees, licenses, social security, medicare, gas tax, phone tax, and so on some say you are paying over 40% of everything you make to some form of government. So we all already work for the government, they just do not pay us we have to pay them. We get a lot but they sure take a lot as well.

    Agreed Miles, but they are not done with taking either. Don't forget Obamcare that's right around the corner.. That will kill most of the remaining surviving private business in this country. Only the private industry giants will survive that one, but like I said, they are slowly being federalized anyway. The government is playing PAC-MAN right now, and it is only the first phase of things to come.. Most people don't even realize (or even care) what is happening around them right now. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"