• joinerg (2/13/2013)

    For work we force all team members to register software and sign into applications with a generic team email account such as for our support department we use Support@XYZ.COM. THese departmental accounts save us from not getting notices or losing PWD reset rights.

    When someone leaves the department they are no longer on the group mailing list so they can't take the software 'rights' with them either!

    I had a problem when an ISP with free email accounts (akin to Hotmail and GMail) suddenly decided to remove the accounts of those access the free versions. I lost all my emails AND access to my email addresses. I had problems getting access to a number of sites (SQL Server Central being one - thanks Steve for sorting that one out!!!) and people still are trying to contact me via those email addresses as occasionally gets mentioned on phone calls.

    I purchased my own domain to resolve that. I store a copy of all emails locally and they are hosted by a mail service as well. Worst case scenario is that I lose a few emails or email addresses (if I haven't updated my records).


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!