• dubem1-878067 (2/12/2013)

    I have a varchar column containing dates (not my design) with this format 2013-02-12

    I need to extract records between two dates

    this code will do the job

    where convert(datetime, mydatecolumn, 120) between convert(datetime, '2012-10-10',120) and convert(datetime, '2013-04-01',120]

    but can I do simply to avoid 3 convert?

    where mydatecolumn between '2012-10-10' and '2013-04-01'

    No that won't work because your datatype is varchar. :angry:

    You don't have to explicitly convert all 3 but you DO have to force it to datetime.

    where convert(datetime, mydatecolumn, 120) between '2012-10-10' and '2013-04-01'

    The problem here is that you have no chance of seeks. The best thing would be to change the datatype to datetime, of course that isn't always possible.


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
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