• Bruce W Cassidy (2/8/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (2/7/2013)

    Better advice, yes, but hard to follow if the boss says you must use them.

    declare @success bit;

    exec CurriculumVitae_prepare;

    while (1=1) begin

    exec Job_Apply @isWhileRequired = 0, @isApplicationSuccessful = @success output;

    if (@success = 1) begin

    exec Interview_Attend @isInterviewSuccessful = @success output;

    if (@success = 1) begin

    exec Job_Accept @isJobAccepted = 1;

    exec Resignation_Give @timePeriod = 'immediate';


    end; -- if

    end; -- if

    end; -- while


    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices