• Richard Fryar (2/8/2013)

    Often, you find yourself failing over several databases, or several hundred in a real disaster scenario.

    This script checks all databases in one go, and avoids use of a cursor.

    exec sp_msforeachdb 'use [?];

    declare @sql varchar(max)

    select @sql = s from (

    select ''use ['' + db_name() + '']; exec sp_change_users_login ''''Update_One'''', '''''' + d.name + '''''', '''''' + d.name + '''''';''

    from sys.database_principals d

    join sys.server_principals p on d.name = p.name

    left join sys.server_principals o on d.sid = o.sid

    where o.name is null

    and d.name not in (''public'')

    for xml path('''')) x(s);

    if @sql is not null exec(@sql)


    Thanks Perry for explaining.

    Richard, Can you please explain the script above, if you don't mind. Is it going through each database that I failover and checking for orphan users and fixing them at the same time?

