• Hi Richard,

    I'd be more inclined to think there is a problem on your end rather then ALL the tutorials being wrong.

    My point was that when setting up the connection you are in the HTTP connection manager rather then the Web Service Task and therefore testing the connection will suceed as long as a valid URL is entered. The HTTP connection manager is checking the HTTP connection and not whether you are pointing to is a valid webservice or WSDL file.

    When you select "download WSDL" the task just downloads whatever is on the end of that URL into the filename specified, again it does not try to validate the WSDL. It is only when you try to list the webservices it finds the badly formed content and provides the error in the original post.

    Check it by trying "http://www.google.co.uk" then try "http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx?WSDL"

    It's far more likely you are doing something wrong or possibly the webservice you are connecting to is issuing badly a formed reply. Feel free to link the BOL tutorial if you want me to take a look and try to help.
