• I have been there and have lived through it. It was part of the "proving myself" phase of the career and has not been a problem for decades. I think I finally came to understand how it really works.

    Managers have learn quickly that things get done, they get done right, and they get done as quickly as I can make them happen. It is an issue of trust.

    If they want to micromanage something that is fine, they are the manager. I know that certain things make managers uncomfortable, and they need those things to get done. Since that is the case, they are welcome to have meetings, visit me at the workstation, ask questions, email whatever. It is also their work, and their reputation on the line. We work together. They manage and I do the task. That is how it works.

    I have to understand that certain things are important and managers will manage, and some will micromanage. It is something that comes with the job.

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!