• I've made assumptions that you may have more than one guest per room. I also assume that if you have one guest checking out today and one checking in that you want a count of 2, that would be the number serviced that day. If not that would be an easy change to the 'between' statement below. It's not as simple as the other code listed before but it doesn't rely on system tables and the dates not hard coded. This assumes you want the data for the prior month, if ran in January 2013 it pulls all data for December 2012.

    CREATE TABLE #Guests (

    checkin datetime,

    checkout datetime,

    FullName varchar(50),

    number_of_guest int



    INSERT INTO #Guests

    SELECT '10/12/2012', '10/16/2012', 'Corky Doe', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT '12/12/2012', '12/17/2012', 'Janice Doe', 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT '11/12/2012', '11/24/2012', 'Howard Stern', 4 UNION ALL

    SELECT '12/12/2012', '12/13/2012', 'Abagail Johnson', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT '12/12/2012', '12/15/2012', 'Teddy Sanft', 6 UNION ALL

    SELECT '12/12/2012', '12/18/2012', 'John Overton', 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT '12/12/2012', '12/19/2012', 'Sally Jenson', 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT '10/20/2012', '12/12/2012', 'Tiffany Blue', 1

    declare @days_of_month as datetime;

    declare @month_end as datetime;

    declare @month_begin as datetime;

    set @month_end = (select (DATEADD ( dd, -(DATEPART ( dd, GETDATE())), convert(char(10),GETDATE(),101))));

    set @month_begin = (select (DATEADD ( dd, -(DATEPART ( dd, @month_end)) + 1, convert(char(10), @month_end,101))));

    --select @month_end as month_end, @month_begin as month_begin

    set @days_of_month = @month_begin;

    -- drop table #guest_by_day

    CREATE TABLE #guest_by_day (

    days_of_month datetime,

    guest_served int




    insert into #guest_by_day

    select @days_of_month as days_of_month, 0 as guest_served


    set @days_of_month = @days_of_month + 1;

    If @days_of_month <= @month_end goto LOOPHere

    select r.days_of_month,

    sum(number_of_guest) as guest

    --count(*) as guest

    into #temp

    from #guests l

    inner join #guest_by_day r on

    r.days_of_month between l.checkin and l.checkout

    group by r.days_of_month

    select days_of_month, sum(guest) as guest

    into #temp2

    from #temp

    group by days_of_month

    update #guest_by_day

    set guest_served = guest

    from #guest_by_day l

    inner join #temp2 r on

    l.days_of_month = r.days_of_month

    select *

    from #guest_by_day

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.