Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General how can i get count of sikped question depend record column and collectionofResponse column? RE: how can i get count of sikped question depend record column and collectionofResponse column?

  • i just alter some changes in the table

    i just find the solution for skipped like this when the data was like this and i add another question for the record which i checked in this proc

    DECLARE @question table


    QuestionId int,

    Record uniqueidentifier,

    indexnumber int,

    questiondetail text,

    IsActive bit


    -- select NEWID()

    insert into @question

    select 1,'DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323',1,'serader',1 union all

    select 2,'DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323',2,'serader1',1 union all

    select 3,'DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323',3,'serader2',1 union all

    select 4,'CBC0CFE1-3EE9-4444-A6DA-C5B9554FF25D',1,'rader1',1 union all

    select 5,'CBC0CFE1-3EE9-4444-A6DA-C5B9554FF25D',2,'rader2',1 union all

    select 6,'DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323',4,'serader3',1

    --select *from @question

    DECLARE @Choice table


    Choiceid int,

    QuestionId int,

    indexnumber int,

    choicedetail varchar(50),

    IsActive bit


    insert into @Choice

    select 1,1,1,'a',1 union all

    select 2,1,2,'b',1 union all

    select 3,1,3,'others',1 union all

    select 4,2,1,'rader1',1 union all

    select 5,2,2,'rader2',1 union all

    select 6,3,1,'a',1 union all

    select 7,4,1,'asertin',1 union all

    select 8,5,1,'ser123',1 union all

    select 9,6,1,'ser123',1

    DECLARE @Response table


    Responseid uniqueidentifier,

    Record uniqueidentifier,

    collectionofResponse uniqueidentifier,

    crdate datetime,

    IsActive bit


    insert into @Response

    select '943B4955-BF16-4DC8-869F-9907DFC95AF7','DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323','BEE0C69B-630F-40AB-8875-6E05D4ED2A29',GETDATE(),1 union all

    select '72B15409-74B7-4185-A1DE-C3F2904E2787','CBC0CFE1-3EE9-4444-A6DA-C5B9554FF25D','4BA209D9-0244-4F37-AB47-49BB6C3D33AC',GETDATE(),1 union all

    select 'A70FC1C6-8ED5-4777-9535-D8FB18146D17','DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323','6CCE2683-245D-458A-B1F5-D9E1D4EA198A',GETDATE(),1

    DECLARE @Responsechoice table


    Responsechoice int,

    Responseid uniqueidentifier,

    QuestionId int,

    Choiceid int,

    IsActive bit


    insert into @Responsechoice

    select 1,'943B4955-BF16-4DC8-869F-9907DFC95AF7',1,1,1 union all

    select 2,'943B4955-BF16-4DC8-869F-9907DFC95AF7',1,3,1 union all

    select 3,'943B4955-BF16-4DC8-869F-9907DFC95AF7',2,0,1 union all

    select 4,'943B4955-BF16-4DC8-869F-9907DFC95AF7',3,0,1 union all

    select 5,'A70FC1C6-8ED5-4777-9535-D8FB18146D17',1,1,1 union all

    select 6,'A70FC1C6-8ED5-4777-9535-D8FB18146D17',2,4,1 union all

    select 7,'A70FC1C6-8ED5-4777-9535-D8FB18146D17',3,0,1

    declare @Record uniqueidentifier='DF8BC368-68D7-4EC3-9E9A-5A4B19A6C323'

    declare @TotalResponse int

    select @TotalResponse= COUNT(1) from @Response where Record = @Record

    ;with cte



    select a.Record, a.QuestionId,a.questiondetail, a.indexnumber, c.Choiceid, c.choicedetail


    @question a

    left join @choice c on c.QuestionId = a.QuestionId

    where a.Record = @Record

    ), cte2 as(

    select q.Record, q.QuestionId, q.indexnumber, rc.Choiceid, COUNT(*) [count]

    from @question q

    left join @Responsechoice rc on rc.QuestionId = q.QuestionId and rc.IsActive = 1

    join @Response r on r.Responseid = rc.Responseid and r.IsActive = 1 -- this join just to ensure that response is active

    where q.Record = @Record

    group by q.Record, q.QuestionId, q.indexnumber, rc.Choiceid

    ), cte3 as(

    select a.Record, a.QuestionId, q.questiondetail, a.indexnumber, a.Choiceid, c.choicedetail, a.[count]

    from cte2 a

    join @question q on q.QuestionId = a.QuestionId

    join @choice c on c.Choiceid = a.Choiceid

    where a.Record = @Record

    ), cte4 as(

    select a.Record, a.QuestionId,a.questiondetail, a.indexnumber, a.Choiceid, a.choicedetail,isnull(b.[count],0)as [countofresponse],

    @TotalResponse as TotalResponse


    cte a

    left join

    cte3 b



    ), cte5 as(

    select q.Record, q.QuestionId,q.indexnumber,rc.Choiceid,COUNT(*) Skipped

    from @question q

    left join @Responsechoice rc on rc.QuestionId = q.QuestionId

    join @Response r on r.Responseid = rc.ResponseId


    q.QuestionId in (select QuestionId from @question where Record=@Record)

    and rc.ChoiceId=0

    and r.IsActive=1

    and rc.IsActive=1

    group by q.Record, q.QuestionId, q.indexnumber, rc.ChoiceId



    a.Record, a.QuestionId,a.questiondetail, a.indexnumber, a.Choiceid, a.choicedetail,a.countofresponse,


    ,isnull(b.Skipped,0)as Skipped


    cte4 a

    left join

    cte5 b



    in this the question 6 was added in question table for thi record but it was not responsed in responsechoice table

    when i run this proc means store proc solution the 6 must have count of 2 as sikkpped

    i need output like this









    can u plz tell me how can i get this output