• davidwarner (1/16/2013)

    Now i added the convert(varchar(2),datepart(mi,getdate())) part which does give me the minutes into the filename. but if the backup runs on the hour the file will get called DBNAMELog_13.bak for example.

    i found your above quote is confusing , what exactly you need from backup suffix (time display).

    davidwarner (1/16/2013)

    Not a huge deal but when restoring the files it doesn't list them in a nice order and the files not backed up on the hour are a larger number and get listed at the end.

    When you use WIZARD , sql itself maintain the backup files order with the help of LSN no. regardless of the backup file name.

    and when you use T-saql apprach then for your easiness , you can have well defind and CLEAR time suffix and i drew in below example by @backuptime

    declare @FullPathName as varchar(2000), @BackupPathName as varchar(2000), @DBName as varchar(100),@backuptime nvarchar(20) ,@lsql nvarchar(1000)

    --assign database name

    select @DBName = 'DATABASENAME', @BackupPathName = '\\SERVER\SHAREPATH'

    SELECT @backuptime = left(REPLACE(replace(replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),120),':',''),'-','') ,' ',''),12)

    --assign the pathname - tack on a number to denote that hour's log backup

    set @lsql = ''

    select @FullPathName =

    @BackupPathName + @DbName + 'Log_' +

    @backuptime + '.bak'

    --backup the transaction log - allow it to do overwritten (retaindays = 0, init)

    set @lsql = 'backup log ' + @DBName + ' to disk = ' + @FullPathName + ' with retaindays = 0, init'

    print @lsql


    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)