• Bhuvnesh (1/16/2013)

    sqlnes (1/16/2013)

    It's weird, when I tried it today, it has back to the "correct" plan without set FORCEPLAN. it has been running fine now. I just wondering now would it take some time after re-analyzing table/indexes then optimizer can do accurate calculation?

    1) Have you/any job updated the statistics ?

    2) have you recomplied the SP/script ?

    3) did both execution have same parameter's values ?

    Yes, I did "update statistics" yesterday. but it did not help. Actually, I just retried and I was wrong, the plan is still go the "incorrect" one.

    And I just found that in my query,

    select T1.* from

    (select T0.a, T0.b, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY T0.A) as RN

    FROM (

    SELECT a, b FROM KEY_TABLE kt JOIN......


    SELECT a, b FROM KEY_TABLE kt JOIN......


    SELECT a, b FROM KEY_TABLE kt JOIN......

    ) T0

    ) T1

    WHERE T1.RN BETWEEN 1 to 50

    If I commented out the last line (WHERE...), it went normal. And if I added the where clause back, it went bad again. strange...