Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Administration Error log reports database log is truncated right before differential backup RE: Error log reports database log is truncated right before differential backup

  • - If the time interval is near constant, just start a sqlprofiler trace to capture all the needed and analyse it afterward.

    - how are the backups being created at your systems ? SQLAgent scheduled jobs ?

    check all sqlagent jobs to they don't contain a "backup log with truncate only" statement (we've seen that at some of our systems and had to contact the corresponding dev teams to clarify and remove them )

    select J.name, suser_sname(J.owner_sid) as Owner, J.enabled, JS.*

    from msdb..sysjobs J

    inner join msdb..sysjobsteps JS

    on JS.job_id = J.job_id

    where JS.command like '%backup%truncate%'

    order by Owner, name


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