• thanks vinu

    Now i am trying to join this query with a table to get the desire results

    CREATE TABLE #tProduct


    tProductID bigint PRIMARY KEY,

    tProductCode nvarchar(128),

    tProductName nvarchar(256),

    tManufacturerName nvarchar(256),

    tProductDescription nvarchar(4000)



    FROM #tProduct AS P

    JOIN(SELECT ProductID, +STUFF((Select DISTINCT '',MAX(Case When ParentFeatureName = '' + CHAR(39) + ParentFeatureName + CHAR(39) + '' Then ChilFeatureName Else '' + CHAR(39) + CHAR(39) + '' End) As '' + ParentFeatureName From #Test For XML PATH('')),1,1,'''')

    + FROM #Test Group By ProductID'' ) AS A ON P.tProductID = A.ProductID')

    I am getting this error

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.