sql server 2008 - Replication-Replication Snapshot Subsystem: agent TOMMY-PC\MSSQLSERVER2008-SOURCE-SOURCE_ONE-1 failed. Executed as user: TOMMY-PC\TOMMY. The directory name is invalid. The step failed.

  • Hi Guys,

    My distributor and publication is in the same instance.

    After setting up the distributor and publication, i realise that one of the publication job failed:

    Replication-Replication Snapshot Subsystem: agent TOMMY-PC\MSSQLSERVER2008-SOURCE-SOURCE_ONE-1 failed. Executed as user: TOMMY-PC\TOMMY. The directory name is invalid. The step failed.

    Can anyone help please?

    TOMMY-PC\TOMMY is my local administrator account, sysadmin as well to the instance and it has access to the directory holding snapshot files:

    D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER2008\MSSQL\ReplData

    Why am i still getting directory name is invalid.. not sure what directory is it referring to?

    I'm testing it on my Windows 7.

    Appreciate if anyone can help!


  • Hi all, anyone can advise? Tks

  • I'm not quite sure why you get the message of directory being invalid. If this is access related I would expect that you would have access denied message.

    Having said that,

    what account are sql service and sql agent running under? Local system wouldn't have access to the share.

    Did you create a share? (I think replication takes care of that for you though- gives you a default directory)

    There is a step at the end of creating a publication where you setup the replication agent(s) to run under a service account - you might have set that to the SQL Service account which might be local system.


    If this is your pc and you don't care for security, you just want to see how replication works, you can add your account to run sql services and let replication use sql account to run under. If you need to do this on a server, you might need to use a different account for replication.

  • Hi Mvrx,

    what account are sql service and sql agent running under?

    --local ID i created for running of services:

    --SQL_ENGINE - for running of service

    --SQL_AGENT - for running of agent

    There is a step at the end of creating a publication where you setup the replication agent(s) to run under a service account - you might have set that to the SQL Service account which might be local system.

    --I have set it to local administrator.

    If this is your pc and you don't care for security, you just want to see how replication works, you can add your account to run sql services and let replication use sql account to run under. If you need to do this on a server, you might need to use a different account for replication.

    --I tried doing it as well but not working. I have tried to run the replication agent as the service account but still same error.


  • I am still not sure if your error is access related, can you post the error message?

    Regarding your reply,

    --local ID i created for running of services:

    ----> Is this a local admin in SQL and Windows?


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