Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Quert regarding getting the results based on months. RE: Quert regarding getting the results based on months.

  • This is not the most elegant or optimized approach but this will get you the result set that you are looking for...


    DECLARE @topMonth int=3;

    --if a valid month is not selected, return all months

    IF @topMonth<=0 OR @topMonth>12 SET @topMonth=12

    DECLARE @x varchar(2000), @x2 varchar(1000), @i int=1,

    @p1 varchar(40)='SUM(case MONTH(orderdate) when ',

    @p2 varchar(50)='',

    @months varchar(300)='(';

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##tmp') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE ##tmp;

    SET @x='SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) as orderyear, '+CHAR(13);

    WHILE @i<=@topMonth


    SET @x=@x+@p1+CAST(@i AS varchar(2))+' then TotalDue end) as '

    +CAST(DATENAME(MONTH,(CAST(@i AS varchar(2))+'/1/2000')) AS varchar(20))

    +CASE WHEN @i<>@topMonth THEN ','+CHAR(13) ELSE CHAR(13) END

    SET @months=@months+CAST(DATENAME(MONTH,(CAST(@i AS varchar(2))+'/1/2000')) AS varchar(20))+

    CASE WHEN @i<>@topMonth THEN '+' ELSE ')' END

    SET @i=@i+1


    SELECT@x=@x+'INTO ##tmp FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate) ORDER BY orderyear',

    @x2 = 'SELECT *, '+@months+' AS GrandTotal FROM ##tmp ORDER BY orderyear'



    DROP TABLE ##tmp;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001