• Try this, hope this will be easy and simple way

    --Try option 1

    declare @days as int

    set @days = 4

    declare @dts as datetime

    set @dts = GETDATE()

    select name, birth_date

    from <table name>

    where (

    CASE WHEN MONTH(birth_date) < MONTH(@dts) THEN (YEAR(@dts) + 1 ) * 10000

    ELSE (YEAR(@dts) + 0 ) * 10000


    ) + MONTH(birth_date)*100 + DAY(birth_date) between convert(int,CONVERT(varchar(8), @dts, 112)) and

    convert(int,CONVERT(varchar(8), dateadd(d,@days,@dts), 112))

    --Or Try option 2 by creating Function which returns Birthdate as per current running year

    -- =============================================

    -- Author:VINAY M JADIA

    -- Create date: 2012-12-31

    -- Description:Function will change the year of given month with replacing date

    -- =============================================

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnChangeYear]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @changingDate datetime,

    @withDate datetime


    RETURNS datetime



    -- Declare the return variable here

    DECLARE @newDate datetime

    SELECT @newDate = CONVERT(varchar(4),(

    CASE WHEN MONTH(@changingDate) < MONTH(@withDate) THEN

    YEAR(@withDate) + 1

    ELSE YEAR(@withDate)



    )+ '/' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @changingDate, 11),5)

    RETURN @newDate


    ----Query to fetch result using the newly created function

    declare @days int

    set @days = 365

    declare @dtf datetime, @dtt datetime

    set @dtf = CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 111))

    set @dtt = DATEADD(D, @days, @dtf)

    select name, birth_date

    from <tablename>

    where dbo.ufnChangeYear(birth_date,getdate()) between @dtf and @dtt

    --Hope this will work for n no of days even year, month changing