• Hi Jeff,

    You know, it's a whole new SQL world for me when I see you statements, and I take couple of hours to understand it even when you kindly explain every single programming line and I'm really glad for that.

    I did create the SP ImportEqFiles running the statment you created and it was successfully created (Message: Command(s) completed successfully.), then I executed the EXEC dbo.ImportEqFiles and I got the message:

    BULK INSERT #eq_Staging

    FROM 'C:\Temp\eq_files\Eq_sample_1.csv'

    WITH (


    , FIRSTROW = 2


    , CODEPAGE = 'ACP'

    , DATAFILETYPE = 'widechar'


    UPDATE dbo.FileLog

    SET StatusDate = GETDATE()

    , FileStatus = 'Staged'

    WHERE FilePath = 'C:\Temp\eq_files\'

    AND FileName = 'Eq_sample_1.csv'

    BULK INSERT #eq_Staging

    FROM 'C:\Temp\eq_files\Eq_sample_2.csv'

    WITH (


    , FIRSTROW = 2


    , CODEPAGE = 'ACP'

    , DATAFILETYPE = 'widechar'


    UPDATE dbo.FileLog

    SET StatusDate = GETDATE()

    , FileStatus = 'Staged'

    WHERE FilePath = 'C:\Temp\eq_files\'

    AND FileName = 'Eq_sample_2.csv'

    Msg 7301, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

    Cannot obtain the required interface ("IID_IColumnsInfo") from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

    I can see 2 rows applying a SELECT * FROM dbo.FileLog but when I apply a SELECT * FROM #eq_Staging and SELECT * FROM #Directory I got the same error message:

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 Invalid object name '#eq_Staging'.

    Seems that they are not within this DB, so, I might be doing something wrong.

    The weird thing is that even when I run both of this CREATE TABLE statements for the #eq_Staging table separatelly in other window I get the

    "Message: Command(s) completed successfully."

    but I still can't find them in my DB Object Explorer (in my DB objects tree).

    I ran also

    CREATE TABLE #Directory


    ObjectName VARCHAR(450)

    , Depth TINYINT

    , IsFile TINYINT


    but I still can't find those tables in anywhere...

    I am looking at this for the last few hours but I can't find the solution on how parse the cleaned information to final table because I could't find the #eq_Staging and the #Documentation table so, I will wait for the next hints to proceed with the "ToDo" section.

    Thanks a lot!!!