• Is this what you are looking for?

    --Creating Tables

    Create Table Store_Audit_Type


    Audit_Type_Id Int,

    Audit_Type_Description NVarchar(30)


    Create Table Store_Audit_Details


    StoreId Int,

    Audit_Type_Id Int,

    CreatedDate Date


    --Inserting Sample Data

    Insert Into Store_Audit_Type

    Select 1, 'New'

    Union ALL

    Select 2, 'Closed'

    Union ALL

    Select 3, 'ReOpen'

    Insert Into Store_Audit_Details

    Select 1, 1, '2012/01/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 1, 2, '2012/04/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 1, 3, '2012/06/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 1, 2, '2012/08/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 1, 3, '2012/10/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 1, 2, '2012/11/01'

    Union ALL

    Select 2, 1, '2012/01/05'

    Union ALL

    Select 2, 2, '2012/05/10'

    Union ALL

    Select 3, 1, '2012/12/01'

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @sql NVarchar(MAX), @cols NVarchar(MAX)

    Select @cols = STUFF((Select DISTINCT ',MAX(Case When rn = ''' + rn + ''' Then CreatedDate Else NULL End) As ' + rn

    From (Select DISTINCT Audit_Type_Description + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By StoreId, Audit_Type_Description Order By StoreId) As Varchar) As rn

    From Store_Audit_Details As a

    JOIN Store_Audit_Type As b ON a.Audit_Type_Id = b.Audit_Type_Id ) As q FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    Set @sql = 'Select StoreId, ' + @cols

    + ' From


    Select StoreId, Audit_Type_Description, CreatedDate, Audit_Type_Description + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By StoreId, Audit_Type_Description Order By StoreId) As Varchar) As rn

    From Store_Audit_Details As a

    JOIN Store_Audit_Type As b ON a.Audit_Type_Id = b.Audit_Type_Id

    ) As p

    Group By StoreId'

    Execute (@sql)

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉