• Been there, done that.

    In any organisation, be it social, business or what ever there seems to be four types of people.

    1. Inspirational and dynamic.
    2. The willing workers.
    3. People along for the ride.

    An organisation gets founded by type(1) with the help of type (2).  Type (1) keep new ideas coming.

    Type(1) moves on and the organisation ticks along in the charge of type (2).

    Eventually type(2) run out of steam and with no Type(1) to supply ideas the organisation begins to stagnate.

    Type(2) moves on and the people in charge are now Type(3).  Any type(1) coming into the organisation is seen as a threat and will be crushed and so the organisation slowly disintegrates.

    Short of a fifth column insurgence of type(1) the organisation will eventually fail.