GSquared (12/18/2012)


    So your point doesn't actually prove your point, if you get my point. 😀

    On the other hand, code portability has certainly worked out well for you. You obviously have survived well by becoming a specialized organism in a specialized environment that fits your particular survival adaptations and assertions.

    I do like your point and the way you pointed it out! :hehe:

    There is actually one interesting example in IT world too.

    There was recently one successful start-up IT company in UK, specialising in the Mobile phone games. Their initial idea was to develop games in portable code, so it could be played on different devices without much changes. They were very successful in this idea and they found venture capitalist to finance them. But after initial success and getting finance, they stopped concentrating on code portability, as to develop the best possible product for particular device (eg. OS) is often impossible (or financially unsustainable) without utilising of the proprietary device (OS) features.

    With available financial power and relevant expertise, this company found that it's more appropriate and profitable to develops games for each OS separately using the most appropriate proprietor features of the OS. Yeah, they are not government department, so they cannot allow themselves to waste time and money as they are not founded by people taxes...

    And on another hand, does Mr. CELKO, by providing the example of some "vendor" software disappearance in "few months time", implies that SQL Server is going to disappear soon and all SQL Server developers should prepare themselves to write code so it can be ported to DB2? 😉

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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