• avdhut.k (12/16/2012)

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the reply,

    But I want to excute this SP Step by Step,

    And If in any one of the SP error comes then next one should be executed.

    Execute Mis_SP_Earn_PJ_Mast_Extraction 'Earn_PJMast_201211','30-Nov-2012'

    EXECUTE Earn_Tran_Extraction '[UNO-III\HISTORY].MIS.DBO.Earn_PJMast_201211', 'Earn_PJTran_201211','12-Dec-2012'

    EXECUTE Earn_Actual_IRR 'Earn_PJMast_201211','Earn_PJTran_201211'

    Can You please provide the steps or link to do the same

    Thanks in Advance!

    this can be done with the help of JOB see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191439.aspx

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)