• It reminds us that there are all sorts of problems that must be considered. Our particular site (in a former manufacturing site) has 3 Caterpillar diesel generators and a storage tank large enough to run for a month.

    We did have a close call with the T3 lines however. We have two completely independent lines, one from a conventional telecom and one from a cable company. The cable company's system went down and stayed down for a week. Fortunately the other one did not (though it HAS failed in the past for other reasons). If that one had failed as well, we would be sunk, and it's possible that key employees could not even get to our DR site.

    My neighborhood was down for 11 days (I had by pure luck purchased a generator 2 weeks before Sandy. That same cable company was out in my neighborhood, and they actually placed a portable generator by a utility pole to power their customer's phones which was considered critical because of no 911 service.)


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