Read and Write the same variable in a DFT script component

  • Hi guys,

    It would be nice if you could help me with the following issue:

    I need to read a DFT level variable in a script component (set as transformation). Depending on its value make some calculation and then update its value again. That's should be made for every incomming row. The problem that I´ve encountered is I tried to read the variable in the row processing method and write it in the postexecute() method. I got this error "The collection of variables locked for read and write access is not available outside of PostExecute." But I really need the value of the variable in the main method.

    Below is my code

    public override void PostExecute()




    Add your code here for postprocessing or remove if not needed

    You can set read/write variables here, for example:

    Variables.MyIntVar = 100


    Variables.receiptKey = newReceipt;


    public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)



    Add your code here


    //currentReceipt = Row.BelegKey;

    currentReceipt = Variables.receiptKey;

    newReceipt = Row.TransactionExtId;

    MessageBox.Show("The stored receipt key is: " + currentReceipt.ToString() + " The new is: " + newReceipt.ToString());

    if ( currentReceipt == newReceipt)




    else {

    Counter = 0;


    Row.Position = Counter;


    Any comment would be appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    Paul Hernández

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