• Lewis / Gail.

    Thanks Bunches for your help. Yes, I'm a dork, but I'm an appreciative dork.

    I used the ITVF and discovered that my dataset has some alpha characters as well. I might have to just leave them alone for the time being, BUT... here's my result:

    Select R.RecordNumber, R.BeginningLotNo, R.EndingLotNo,

    CASE WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(R.BeginningLotNo)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(R.EndingLotNo)) THEN R.BeginningLotNo

    ELSE f.String


    From Ellis.LandT_3_Raw R

    Cross Apply

    dbo.fn_ExpandLotRangeITVF(R.BeginningLotNo, R.EndingLotNo) f

    Where R.BeginningLotNo Not like '%[a-z]%'


    Select R.RecordNumber, R.BeginningLotNo, R.EndingLotNo, ''

    From Ellis.LandT_3_Raw R

    Where R.BeginningLotNo like '%[a-z]%'

    Thanks again for your help as always...

    Gail, I once asked you why you're called Gila Monster. That suggests you're a scaly little beast that likes to chew on it's victims as it envenomates.... don't see that as being you... unless.... you're luring me to my death.... 😀