• ron.grace (12/10/2012)

    I've got 2 tables Order & Despatch and I'm trying to add some keys to the tables. The OrderNo field is a primary key in Order and a foreign key in Despatch, but it won't let me add the key as there are obviously some records in Despatch that don't exist in Order. I now want to delete these rogue records. My first attempt was as follows but didn't work, any suggestions

    delete from Despatch

    (select b.ordno from Despatch b

    full outer join Order a

    on b.ordno = a.ordno

    where a.ordno is null)

    DELETE Despatch

    WHERE ordno NOT IN

    (SELECT ordno FROM Order)

    Roland Alexander 
    The Monday Morning DBA 
    There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. ~ Albert Schweitzer