Execute a dynamic select statment

  • Can anybody help me actually execute the resultant DELETE statements in this query

    drop table #incoming

    CREATE TABLE #incoming

    ([id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [tablename] nvarchar(50),

    [action] [int] NULL,

    [rowid] [bigint])

    INSERT #incoming (tablename,action,rowid) VALUES('#test',0,1111)

    INSERT #incoming (tablename,action,rowid) VALUES('#test',0,1211)

    INSERT #incoming (tablename,action,rowid) VALUES('#test',0,1311)

    INSERT #incoming (tablename,action,rowid) VALUES('#test',1,1111)

    drop table #test

    create table #test

    ([tid] [bigint],

    [data1] nvarchar(50),

    [data2] nvarchar(50))

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1111,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1211,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1311,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1111,'foo','foo')

    SELECT 'DELETE FROM ' + tablename + ' where tid =' + convert(char,rowid) from #incoming where action = 0

    SELECT * from #test

  • Hello Alan,

    Try this...

    DECLARE @QRY varchar (255)

    SELECT @QRY = 'DELETE FROM ' + tablename + ' where tid =' + convert(char,rowid) from #incoming where action = 0

    --PRINT @QRY

    EXEC (@QRY)

  • arunyadav007

    That only seems to execute the last statement.

    I guess i need to somehow loop the results.


  • Woh ! I thought you only need to execute the last delete statement.. But, I guess you need to execute a delete statement on all the tablenames from your temporary table.. Let me try...

  • Change to

    declare @q varchar(max)

    SELECT @q = ISNULL(@q, '') + 'DELETE FROM ' + tablename + ' where tid =' + convert(char,rowid) + '; ' from #incoming where action = 0


    but beware the dangers of this type of dynamic sql.

    Edit: Read about the dangers here http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • Yes i need to run the results of the SELECT 'DELETE..... statement

    DELETE FROM #test where tid =1111

    DELETE FROM #test where tid =1211

    DELETE FROM #test where tid =1311

    Got me stumped

  • toddasd

    Bingo, thank you so much.

    This is part of a database sync system. The commands are built inside a stored procedure they are not stored in tables, just the data. Like table name, action, change data.

    Thanks again

  • toddasd (12/5/2012)

    Change to

    declare @q varchar(max)

    SELECT @q = ISNULL(@q, '') + 'DELETE FROM ' + tablename + ' where tid =' + convert(char,rowid) + '; ' from #incoming where action = 0


    but beware the dangers of this type of dynamic sql.

    Edit: Read about the dangers here http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html

    This appears to be deleting everything from #incoming

    Whereas it should not have deleted the below row as action != 0


  • Put a [font="Courier New"]PRINT @q[/font] in your script and you'll see why that's happening.


  • Hi

    Bum data

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1111,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1211,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1311,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1111,'foo','foo')

    Should read

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1111,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1211,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1311,'foo','foo')

    INSERT #test (tid,data1,data2) VALUES(1411,'foo','foo')

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