• Alan.B (12/5/2012)

    Your Name Here (12/5/2012)

    Sorry to be a bit off-topic but this thread flashed me back to an interview I had years ago. The 'technical' questions about troubleshooting were surprisingly specific and detailed. After more than a few - all along the same basic problem - I stopped the interview and asked why all the questions centered around one type of issue. After a few moments of dead air, they finally admitted they had a problem with one of their production databases and was looking for ways to fix it.

    I left shortly after.

    That is a great story. Hilarious! Its a shame that they wasted your time but you got a good story out of it.

    I can hear the IT manager yelling down the hall, "Hey Bob, we have another issue on the production database, schedule some more interviews!"

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.