• Tanks for your useful explanation.

    As you mentioned and if I understood correctly,if there is a shared table-lock , the INSERT would be blocked until the whole operation(select) completed .Is there any recognizable reason for the shared table-lock?

    In a select statement i use WITH (HOLDLOCK) to see the locks.


    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Count],

    [t1].[h] AS [Hour],

    [t1].[Transk] AS [Kind]

    FROM (

    SELECT DATEPART(Hour, [t0].[Date]) AS [h],


    FROM [dbo].[Trans] AS [t0] WITH (HOLDLOCK)

    WHERE ([t0].[Success] = 1)

    AND ([t0].[Type] = 1)

    AND ([t0].[Date] >= '2012-11-05 00:00:00')

    AND ([t0].[Date] < '2012-11-06 00:00:00')

    ) AS [t1]




    SELECT resource_type, request_mode, resource_description

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks

    WHERE resource_type <> 'DATABASE'


    and this is the output:



    hence ,the INSERT would be blocked?how can i avoid this problem?

    I suppose the time out that I have in Inserts is because of this,am i true?

    in this case I even check indexes but they are properly created and there isn't any unused index.

    How can i monitor these time out a part from SQL Profiler(because of low performance) to see the locks either in the past(i mean a history) or at the moment?