• It's well-written and I thought I understood, but when I tried to apply what I learned, I found something that didn't make sense. We have a 1.8G database with a 1.5G log - which sounds way too big, except I remember when it was up to a 3.5G log.

    I ran the command, DBCC Loginfo, which showed 399 rows, all with status 0. I assumed that meant there'd been no activity since I ran the log backup, so I went in and updated some of my timesheet, checked the LogInfo again - and there was no change.

    Of course, the transactions would have been committed, so it's not like they're required for a rollback, but they haven't been backed up. The space they're using shouldn't be reusable at this point, should it? That should make it state 2, which should make the status on one of those record = 2.

    Am I missing something? And anticipating the first question, yes I made sure that I was doing the command on the correct database.