• I am very close thanks to you.

    I use "" for my cr/lf... I'll look into that further.

    Yes, the variables do contain data as a result of my script component that sets them.

    here is how I set them:

    Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()

    'Copy value of script variable to SSIS variable

    Me.Variables.strYear = Year

    Me.Variables.strMonth = Month

    Me.Variables.strDay = Day

    Me.Variables.strDivision = Division

    End Sub

    I set a postexecute breakpoint and watch window shows data in my headerRecord variable which uses the above variables.

    watch window value of variable:

    (User::strHeaderRecord{@HDRBATCH21631108PR - 11/08/2163@HDRJOURNAL001DISBURSEMENT})

    When my file is written this is what I get:


    I so appreciate your help