• Hello all,

    I had the same problem here and after a lot of searching on the internet, I found a solution where you use the ODBC System DSN instead of the default possibilities that are present in the Management Studio. In short I did the following things:

    1) Install the Oracle tools and be sure that I could connect to the Oracle Database using SqlPlus

    2) Create an ODBC System DSN

    3) Create a Linked server in Management Studio using the following code

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @server= '{Linked Server Name}'

    ,@srvproduct= '{System DSN Name}'

    ,@provider= 'MSDASQL'

    ,@datasrc= '{System DSN Name}'

    WARNING:the {System DSN Name} must be the exact same as the one you created in the ODBC

    4) Create the Remote Login user

    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

    @rmtsrvname= '{Linked Server Name}'

    ,@useself= 'False'

    ,@locallogin= NULL

    ,@rmtuser= '{Oracle User Name}'

    ,@rmtpassword= '{Oracle User Password}'

    5) Test The connection (by querying the Oracle objects)

    EXEC sp_tables_ex '{Linked Server Name}'

    It took me 3 days to find this solution, so I post it here so that you can all enjoy the solution.

