Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. RE: The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator.

  • Hey thanks, very helpful.

    in the end I had some fun trying to map what you had to what I was doing and then realised that simply creating a view of the original complex view (without the Order by and For XML fragments on it worked well.


    Original query:

    Select 1 as Tag, NULL As Parent,NULL AS [Invoices!1!],

    NULL AS [Invoice!2!InvoiceNumber!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!Date!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!DueDate!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!Status!element],

    NULL AS [Invoice!2!LineAmountTypes!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!Type!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!SubTotal!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!TotalTax!element],

    NULL AS [Invoice!2!Total!element],NULL AS [Invoice!2!Reference!element],

    NULL AS [Contact!3!],NULL AS [Contact!3!Name!element],NULL AS [Contact!3!ContactID!element],

    NULL AS [LineItems!4!],

    NULL AS [LineItem!5!LineNumber!hide], NULL AS [LineItem!5!Description!element],NULL AS [LineItem!5!AccountCode!element],NULL AS [LineItem!5!UnitAmount!element],

    NULL AS [LineItem!5!TaxAmount!element],NULL AS [LineItem!5!Quantity!element],

    NULL AS [Tracking!6!],NULL AS [TrackingCategory!7!Name!element],NULL AS [TrackingCategory!7!Option!element]

    from [V_XeroInvoice] A


    Select 2 AS Tag, 1 AS Parent,InvoiceNumber, B.InvoiceNumber,

    B.Date,B.DueDate, B.Status, B.LineAmountTypes, B.Type, B.Total AS SubTotal, B.TotalTax, B.Total + B.TotalTax as Total, B.Reference, NULL AS Contact, NULL, NULL,NULL,


    from [V_XeroInvoice] B


    Select 3 AS Tag, 2 As Parent,InvoiceNumber,C.InvoiceNumber,

    null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,NULL As Contact, C.Name, C.ContactID,NULL,


    FROM [V_XeroContact] C


    Select 4 AS Tag, 2 As Parent,InvoiceNumber,D.InvoiceNumber,

    null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,NULL As Contact, NULL, NULL,NULL,


    FROM dbo.V_XeroLines D


    Select 5 AS Tag, 4 As Parent,InvoiceNumber,D.InvoiceNumber,

    null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,NULL As Contact, NULL, NULL,NULL,

    D.LineNumber, D.Description, D.AccountCode, D.UnitAmount, D.TaxAmount, D.Quantity,NULL AS Tracking, NULL,null

    FROM dbo.V_XeroLines D


    Select 6 AS Tag, 5 As Parent,InvoiceNumber,E.InvoiceNumber,

    null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,NULL As Contact, NULL, NULL,NULL,

    E.LineNumber, null, null, null, null, null,NULL AS Tracking, NULL,null

    FROM dbo.V_XeroTracking E


    Select 7 AS Tag, 6 As Parent,InvoiceNumber,F.InvoiceNumber,

    null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,NULL As Contact, NULL, NULL,NULL,

    F.LineNumber, null, null, null, null, null, NULL AS Tracking, F.[Name], F.[Option]

    FROM dbo.V_XeroTracking F

    ORDER BY [Invoice!2!InvoiceNumber!element], [Contact!3!Name!element],[LineItem!5!LineNumber!hide]

    for xml EXPLICIT

    Simply Stripped off the last 2 lines and added a Create View dbo.V_Xml as to the top, then getting the result into the @XML parameter as easy as :

    Declare @XML XML

    Set @Xml =

    (Select * From dbo.V_XML

    ORDER BY [Invoice!2!InvoiceNumber!element], [Contact!3!Name!element],[LineItem!5!LineNumber!hide]

    for xml EXPLICIT)

    Select @Xml

    Thanks heaps, hope the rest of you find this useful..

    All written and used on MS SQL 2005.