MAX behavior difference with nvarchar and varchar column types

  • Hi All,

    We are getting different results for MAX function with nvarchar and varchar columns.

    create table my_table(id1 nvarchar(10), id2 varchar(10);

    insert into my_table('-1','-1);

    insert into my_table('1','1);

    select max(id1) from my_table; -> -1


    select max(id2) from my_table; -> 1

    is it the default behavior? Any way to change this?


  • Change the COLLATE for one of the columns.

    Try this:

    create table my_table(id1 nvarchar(10), id2 varchar(10))


    FROM information_schema.columns

    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'my_table'

    insert into my_table VALUES ('-1','-1');

    insert into my_table VALUES ('1','1');

    SELECT MAX(id1 COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin2), MAX(id2)

    FROM my_table

    DROP table my_table

    You can see from the first SELECT that these columns have the same COLLATE sequence but different character sets. Changing to a binary collation resolves the issue you inquired about. Be warned that it may also cause other undesired side effects (test, test, test!).

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  • Thanks very much for you answer.

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